Thanks to all who attended this workshop. If you did not get to watch the workshop live, we have recording options for you to watch. Unfortunately, Zoom was not set up to record both the speakers and the shared screen. This means we have two video options for you. If you would like to watch the shared screen (basically just the power point with our voices narrating), use this link: play/ 8VWPDkYFvifMjk96vZJL3DjMIZQJ4E 1Ojc-nOfZAPb-bhQgDhtxb_ O4ivanqFoNQ4euH9Q35a1X7W2U._ KRKf0adkS6JuNx0
Passcode: 5S4e@p?&
If you would like to watch us talk, use this link: play/ iytCgSxvJqci5q5loKepzkR4bT9jid glytQ48cQIEF1jaoxfsZcEGlto4Ego 3sMK7pN_J8SZGBbz_k4R.kobKg8jM- VBtLlQ8
Passcode: 5S4e@p?&
And, you can follow along with the slides here: presentation/d/ 1J42q4ch7G3RE7oXU8pbjuQd8GnXol oZsoJzG_ylis0A/edit?usp= sharing