Welcome to the Worldwide Virtual Storytelling Guild!
Live, online, with participants from all over the world!
We invite you to the Worldwide Virtual Storytelling Guild sponsored and hosted by Northeast Storytelling. The entire guild is live online and we welcome participants from all over the world. We are storytellers who are interested in sharing stories, learning about storytelling, and enjoying peer feedback and community. We welcome tellers of traditional tales, historical stories, personal stories, stories with music, stories with puppets, rhymed stories, improv stories, digital stories, stories with mime and more.
This project began with the goals of reaching isolated tellers, encouraging novice tellers and sharing across cultures.
We meet once a month on the third Sunday. 1:00-2:30pm Eastern
The start times that we post are listed in NY, US time. Please remember to adjust your time and date accordingly if you are in another time zone. https://timeanddate.com
For each meeting we offer a challenge subject to use for inspiration in selecting a tale you wish to tell. Stories not related to the challenge topic or works in progress are welcome as well.
Every month, you can sign on to a dedicated Zoom video conference connection. The links are listed at the Invite tab at the top of this page. If you wish to be added to the WVSG listserv, please send your full name and your email to Cris. Meeting reminders, calls for tellers, and links to meeting videos are posted on the listserv. You can find our Facebook page here https://www.facebook.com/groups/376358219777601 , and you may request membership there.
Please contact us with questions or to add your name to the listserv.
Cris Riedel: crisriedel05@gmail.com
How To Convert the WVSG Meeting Time for Your Time Zone
Figuring out time zones for our Worldwide Virtual Storytelling Guild can be tricky.
Here is the way to get the answer you need every time:
• Go to https://www.timeanddate.com/
• Go to the time zones tab
• From the drop down menu under Time Zones, select "time zone converter"
• Enter New York for the city
• Enter the time and date of the meeting
• Once that is entered and the prompt for the second city/location appears
• Enter your own location.
The converted time and date for the second location will appear.
Here is an example: