The Music in the Words - Northeast Storytelling

The Music in the Words

Chris Kastle

Chris Kastle © 2019


The number one question people ask me about my songs is whether I write the words or the music first.  For me, it is the words—always the words.  The words create the verse; the verse creates the picture; and the picture creates the melody.  And the melody–the melody imprints it in our minds.  A mind-worm—hopefully a pleasant one!  The cadence of the verse–the rhythm of the story is what lures the listener, ensconces the teller in the story and joins them in that singular place and time.


Amor es el Rio (Our Love is the River)

Words and Music by Chris Kastle; Copyright Chris Kastle 2000


Your love is the river that runs through my heart

This song is the music that flows through my soul

Our lives run together in ripples and torrents

Past mountains and valleys ever fast we roll.


Our love is the river; we are one in the river; we are here in the river for all time.


Entwined like the raindrops that fall in the spring

In the heat of the lightning that burns up the sky

Woven together in the height of our passion

In the depths of our love we course on you and I.


Our love is the river; we are one in the river; we are here in the river for all time.


Writing stories in verse can give new direction to our familiar and comfortable pathways. Come equipped with a familiar story in your daypack for this trek along a road less taken. Come away with tools to overcome writer’s block, a new map to rethink and reexamine your words, tailor your language, and bring home a new, versified treatment of an old story! Share it, say it or sing it with me at the 2019 Sharing the Fire Conference.




Want to learn more? Take Chris Kastle’s workshop.  


Using an Economy of Words: Writing Stories in Verse

Presenter: Chris Kastle

We tellers and writers LOVE words! But sometimes we use too many when one well-chosen appropriate word might do a better job. Writing stories in verse is a great way to discipline ourselves to use an economy of words. Each participant will need to come prepared with a favorite story that they have already written and/or performed so as to convert it into verse and share with the group; in song if desired.  Examples, techniques and methodologies for writing in verse and overcoming writer’s block under deadline will be examined.

(Saturday, March 30  from 3:30 – 5 pm) – part of Sharing the Fire 2019.  Visit the STF Conference Details page to register for the conference.   Want to share your own experiences on this topic?  Leave a comment.


Chris Kastle - 2019 STF PresenterAbout Chris: Chris Kastle has performed throughout the US and in Canada, Europe, and New Zealand demonstrating her versatility as a vocalist, musician, songwriter and storyteller. Her original works have been described as “exquisite” and possessing “powerful imagery”.   She accompanies her songs on finger-style guitar and occasionally fiddle, penny whistle, spoons, bodhran or mandolin. Her book of short, scary maritime stories, From the Icy Fingers of the Deep, received five stars from Goodreads. Chris was presented with the Annette J. Bruce Lifetime Achievement Award by the Florida Storytelling Association.  www.chriskastle.com