Story Swaps - Sharing the Fire 2020
What are swaps? Swaps are casual gatherings in which all participants have the opportunity to share stories with one another.
Friday night:
History Tales
Host: Eileen Stelljes
So much history surrounds us! Share a tale of a history-making person, place, little-known or well-known event.
About Eileen: Eileen Stelljes is a founder of the Black Dirt Storytelling Guild in Orange County, NY. She is a veteran re-enactor at American Revolutionary encampments as both a patriot and a Hessian.
I Almost Died! The Times You Looked Death in the Eye (and Pie Potluck)
Host: Tony Toledo
Let me tell you about the time I accidentally dove into the shallow end of the pool thinking it was the deep end. The only ill effect was a broken front tooth. Only much much later do I realize I was within a whisker of breaking my neck. When have you almost killed yourself? When have you had a brush with death? Tell us all about it. Oh, and pie potluck too.
About Tony: Tony Toledo is a cherished storyteller and was the EMCEE of Speak Up Spoken Word Open Mic every Wednesday for seven years in the fine city of Lynn, Massachusetts
Saturday dinner:
Tales of What and Who Drew You to STORYTELLING
Host: Marni Gillard
Location: TBA
We'll share the surprising moments, the generous beings, the listening epiphanies,
and the arrows of STORY that landed in our hearts. How did storytelling as art
or work “grab” you? A swap for all voices.
About Marnie: As a teller and teacher of storytelling since 1983, Marnie Gillard has presented a number of times at NSN conferences beginning in 1991 in New London. For 25 years she has been part of interfaith storytelling and was a coach for many years in the Children at the Well program. She has also written articles for Storytelling Magazine.
Saturday night:
Polished Gems, Saturday Swap
Host: PapaJoe Gaudet
Itinerant teller, traveller, PapaJoe Gaudet, invites you to a bright swap. Tell a story you've heard so many times - it's worn tracks into your brain. Polished so fine that it shines and binds. Or come listen to tales you can take away and share with others. Whatever the reason, come and exercise your part in our Chain of Oral Transmission as we share the fire.
About PapaJoe: PapaJoe Gaudet is a cross between Kris Kringle and Hans Christian Anderson, the poet, woodsman, and storyteller. He travels from here to there spreading tales everywhere.
Still Standing
Host: Gail Herman
Come tell one of your favorite 5 to 10 minute stories that has withstood the test of time. It can be a traditional tale, historic tale, or personal tale - all genres welcome. A Suggested, Optional Theme is “Still Standing."
About Gail: Gail Herman has been teaching and performing for over 35 years! She says she started telling in her sleep when she was 14!! By now she has taught Storytelling and Dramatic Arts for 8 colleges and universities and performed on 4 continents.