To learn more about the storytellers of Northeast Storytelling (NEST), visit our Hire a Teller page.
Black Moses by Sheila Arnold
Chicken & Crocodile by Antonio Rocha
The Dolphins of the Red Sea by Cindy Rivka Marshall
The Too Busy House by Rachael Harrington
Teaching Young Children the Art of Using Facial Expressions by Andrea Lovett
The Snowy Squirrel, by Jonathan Kruk
The Mitten Rap! by Rona Leventhal
How Mosquito Taught Lion Good Manners by Nicolette Nordin Heavey
Zordack, The Hero of Marblehead by Judith Black
The Boy Who Hated Pizza, by Mark Binder
The Trouble with Wishes by Lorraine Hartin-Gelardi
The Barking Mouse
How Anansi Got All the Stories! by Diane Edgecomb
The Prize Inside by Sandy Schuman