Scheduled Fringe performance dates and times are listed on the Performances page.
Below is more information on how Fringe performances are chosen, and why we offer a conference fringe.
![Fringe post-application](
What is a Fringe??
A Fringe is an opportunity to showcase performances that are one or more of the following:
New works
Experimental works
Unconventional pieces in topic or presentation
To get your imagination sparked, here are some examples one might consider:
A string of stories on a theme that ties the show together
A long form fictional, personal or historical story/program
A story told in mime
A story that includes a multi-media aspect or incorporates other modalities aside from spoken word (music, movement, etc.)
All Fringe performances at Sharing The Fire should be related to storytelling in some fashion.
All Fringe performances should be performance ready. While the show can be a work-in-progress, it should be in a presentable stage. Simply talking about your project is not acceptable.
Performance Length options
Last year, we offered two different fringe lengths, and got positive feedback. For 2025, you will be able to apply for a 55-minute slot (which is consistent with most fringe festivals around the country) or a 27-minute slot (for those who want a shorter slot). You decide which performance length will best fit your performance. Each longer performance will be paired with a shorter one to fill a typical 90-minute workshop slot. We will also do a special slot of 3 shorter pieces paired together. Please plan to attend the performance(s) of the other performer(s) in your slot.
Whichever performance length you choose, we expect you to fill the majority of your allotted time. You may end a fringe performance 5 minutes early, but you MAY NOT GO OVER TIME.
You may submit one application in each performance length category, but you may not perform in both. If your name is drawn in the lottery for both slots, you must choose one. If you plan to apply for both performance length categories, please fill out one application for each. If you submit more than one application, we encourage you to submit two different shows. Maybe one would be a collaboration with another teller, and the other would be a solo work.
How are Fringe shows for Sharing The Fire selected?
Glad you asked!
Fringe submissions are randomly chosen by lottery. They’re not vetted. Everyone has an equal chance to be selected.
However, if you are selected for the Olio performance you are not eligible for a Fringe in order to allow as many people as possible to have an opportunity to perform and strut their stuff. Each performer may only appear in one fringe performance.
We will draw all the names submitted to create not only the fringe lineup, but also the waitlist. If performers are not able to attend STF for any reason, we will invite people from the waitlist in the order the names were drawn.
The lottery drawing will be held on Tuesday, November 12 at 8pm ET live on the NEST youtube page:
How many slots are there?
There will be 5 workshop slots devoted to Fringe performances in 2024. This means we will have seven shorter performances and four longer performances. They run concurrently with workshops.
What should I bring to the performance?
In true fringe spirit, you will need to provide any props, costumes, lights, equipment, etc for your performance. We provide a room, a table, and conference chairs. Please do not plan to bring elaborate sets or other items that would restrict another teller’s ability to perform in the same space. You will need to set up in the 10 minutes before your workshop slot begins, and take down in the 10 mins after the workshop slot. There will be a 3-minute stretch break between the fringes in that slot for performers to transition.
How do I apply?
Please use this form
What you will need:
Name(s) of performer(s) & contact info
A short performer bio, no more than 300 characters (The character count applies for groups and individuals)
The title of the Fringe performance. Make it tantalizing!
A short description of the piece, no more than 300 characters (this will appear in the program, if selected)
Length of performance slot (you may only choose one per application)
Intended Audience
Content Warnings (if any)
Confirmation of your rights to tell this story
Confirmation that this will be performance-ready for STF 2023
Headshots and/or a show image to upload