Katie Knutson, Executive Director, Northeast Storytelling (NEST)
Katie Knutson is a professional storyteller and teaching artist based in Minneapolis, MN, who has performed and taught around the US and in Canada, Chile, Italy, and the United Arab Emirates. Her writings have been featured in Storytelling Magazine, Tomorrow's Storytellers Today, Science with Storytelling, and Storytelling Strategies for Reaching and Teaching Children with Special Needs. She is the Executive Director for Northeast Storytelling (NEST). Knutson teaches adult & teen storytelling classes at Park Square Theater, and theater and storytelling classes for kids at Stages Theatre Company. Learn more about Katie and hear some of her stories at ripplingstories.com

Rona Leventhal, Co-chair, Sharing the Fire 2023
Rona Leventhal has been sharing her passion for the power of story for over thirty years. Her participatory and engaging performances leave people with laughter in the belly and smiles in their hearts! Performances have included the National Storytelling Conference, Marrakech International Storytelling Festival and Sydney Storytelling Festival as well as many schools and libraries. A certified Teacher, she is passionate about bringing “Living Literacy” (c) to children. Approved Artist & Teaching Artist with the Massachusetts Cultural Council and other state arts organizations. CD “Into the Dark: Stories From the Shadows”, Storytelling World Gold Award. Coeditor: Spinning Tales, Weaving Hope, winner: Storytelling World Honors Award. This is Rona’s second STF as Co-Chair and is a NEST Board member.

Andrea Kamens, Co-chair, Sharing the Fire 2023
Andrea Kamens tells traditional, original, Jewish, and first-person stories that tremble with truth. Based in Boston, MA, and Zooming everywhere, she’s a host, emcee and feature coordinator at The Story Space, New England's longest running weekly venue, and director of ASST’s Youth Standing Strong Camp, an online global camp where youth and mentors meet across all borders to share their stories. Andrea is a religious school teacher, writer, mom of five, and decades-long community volunteer who loves a well-run meeting, a beautiful font, an inclusive event that bends the arc to justice, and traveling to meet you!