Passaic, NJ
(862) 268-4989
Rivka Willick is a professional storyteller, story-coach, drum circle facilitator and writer. She orally composes and tells healing, personal, historical, Jewish, family, traditional, and fantasy tales to Adult, Teen, and Family, and young audiences. Project. She’s the storyteller for Camp CADI-a camp for girls who’ve survived sexual abuse, and Life Center Stage stigma free programs.
Rivka is passionate about finding stories and helping others tell. She works in classrooms as a visiting artist.
She offers traditional and non-traditional shows. Classic shows include haunted tellings, Jewish themes, Stories from around the world with drums, and historic theme shows often in costume. Her non traditional shows include “Labor Daze” looking at humanity through 400 years of birth stories, Transformations-original stories with a fantasy/sci-fi slant, and Famous People you’ve never heard of.
She works one-on-one in person, on the phone, or on skype with people all over the US and the world. She helps others tell personal stories for weddings, family celebrations, and eulogies. A couple personal stories are often the memories that linger for years.
She also travels and collects stories from individuals and records them in print and on audio formats. She coaches people around the world in a wide range of applications in the art of the story and collects heirloom stories in her SOS (Save our stories)
She also runs drum circles-a great format for story swaps. Check out her website for a wide range of workshops.