Kathleen Santopietro Weddel
Storytelling happened to Kathleen via her career as an award-winning adult educator and has continued to be part of her life for 27+ years. She has come to appreciate applied storytelling in areas of health, spirituality, community, and lifelong learning. She is a traditional storyteller and a member of and has performed for the Northern Colorado Storytellers, Rocky Mountain Storytellers, and the National Storytelling Network. She designed storytelling curriculum for adults accredited by NSN.
Performance Fee:$200/hour plus travel expenses
Workshop Fee:$200/hour plus travel expenses
Travel: CT, Out of Region
Audience: Adults
Genres: Folktales, Faith-based Stories
NSN Accreditation for Non Degree Storytelling Instruction
National Adult Education Teacher of the Year -- US Commission on Adult Education
Lifetime Achievement Award -- Colorado Department of Education
"Our residents look forward to Kathy's stories each month. She does a wonderful job of drawing us into the stories, vividly describing the scenes and portraying each character. After the stories she gives people a chance to share something that stood out to them or a memory that they could relate to from their life. Her passion and organization make her a fascinating storyteller." --Robyn Figueroa, Alta Vita Indepent Living for Seniors December 2021
"Kathleen's telling style is elegant and direct. She serves the material with great respect. Her voice is mellifluous and well modulated. Her gentle humor flavors the telling without need for a vaudeville rim shot. She presents with modest humility allowing the story to shine. Kathleen uses her personality to support rather than claiming center stage thus opening the way for the listener to have a direct connection with the story." --Yvonne Healy, Professional Storyteller www.irishstoryteller.us September 2019
"Kathleen is generous in developing well-designed storytelling opportunities throughout Colorado, always helping others nuture and improve their own storytelling skills. She has been a member of the RMS Advisory Board since 2015, sharing her ideas and pitching in with conference development work. She is both engaging and reliable for group efforts. I'm always delighted to listen to her well crafted tales frequently based on literature." -- Kate Lutz, Storyteller and Past President RMS October 2019