Jackson Gillman, “Stand-up Chameleon”
Onset, Massachusetts
508-322-0847 (Cell)
Sparkling with energy, wit and whimsy, the "Stand-Up Chameleon" engages and delights audiences of all ages. Song, dance, mime and/or sign language might be incorporated into his performance, or a simple, quiet delivery - whatever works best to bring a story to life.
Dozens of shows are described on his web site, with testimonial references. Many are nature-oriented and while themes vary, they are all highly visual, energetic and interactive. Speaking to their educational value, Hartford Performs has a very rigorous vetting process which ensures program quality and alignment with Common Core Learning Standards. Seven of his presentations have been accepted which is the most that any individual has with them.
Featured four times at the National Storytelling Festival and at many others across the country. And four-time Teller-in-Resident at the International Storytelling Center. In 2020, Jackson received the Oracle award from the National Storytelling Network and is now part of their distinguished Circle of Excellence. His performance at the close of their annual conference can be viewed on https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Exhzn3B0w5M&t=11s. Other repertoire can be viewed on www.youtube.com/user/JackSONGillman/videos and his web site includes a page of archived stories.
Jackson had his Off-Broadway debut with his Kipling program at the United Solo Theatre Festival in 2014. Of the 130 shows from around the world, it received the Best Educational award. In addition to his family program of Just So Stories, he offers a more historical show, Rudyard Kipling Revisited, for adults.
45 years experience. Easy-going and flexible. References galore.
"A masterly storyteller. Compelling..." – Christian Science Monitor
“…one could never err in selecting Jackson. He’s incredible!” – Missouri River Storytelling Festival
Jackson has taught college storytelling courses. His "Springboards for Stories" workshop weekend is designed to help individuals develop their own personal stories and is open to all, regardless of experience.” His workshops are exportable and adjustable to any time frame. "Storyscaping" has been very helpful to other tellers and he has been tapped by many colleagues for private coaching, particularly for his keen use of space and movement. "Jackson helped me find the rhythms that sustained my piece through voice and movement. He's that rare coach - a generous artist who nurtures the unique art of others." - Jo Radner. Details and testimonials about his workshops and coaching can be found on the respective pages of www.jacksongillman.com
Performance Fee: $275-575, always negotiable