Want to find a storytelling event near you—or an organization you could join?  Our Northeast region is rich in opportunities!

Please contact us at nestorytelling@gmail.com to let us know about any corrections or additions we should make to these lists.



The Connecticut Storytelling Center
Location: Connecticut College, New London, CT
Contact: Ann Shapiro, Director
Email: info@connstorycenter.org
Description: Tellebration, annual Storytelling Festival, and school programs

Location: Hartford, CT
Contact: Matthew Dicks
Email: speakupstorytelling@gmail.com
Description: Hartford-based org that promotes personal storytelling.

Hither and Yon
Location: Hartford, CT area
Contact: Liz Gruber
Email: lizziegruber@yahoo.com
Description: Meets monthly at members’ homes on either Sun. afternoons or Monday or Tuesday evenings

Story Sharing at the Institute Library
Location: 847 Chapel Street, New Haven, CT
Contact: Arnie Pritchard
Email: Apritchard01@snet.net
Description: Meets the second Thursday of the month. The group gives its members an opportunity to share stories in a very informal atmosphere.

Storytelling Anon
Location: Fairfield County
Contact: Janet Davis
Email: storytellinganon@yahoo.com
Description: Local story sharing circles and events

The Tellers
Location: Fairfield Public Library, Fairfield, CT
Contact: Madelein Schuster
Email: madeleinschuster@yahoo.com
Description: Informal story-sharing group meets first Monday of the month

New London Storytellers
Location: Thames Club, New London
Contact: Jennifer Munro
Email: jennie.munro@comcast.net
Description: Meets every third Saturday, 10:00 AM-12:00 Noon. We work on developing our individual stories and honing our storytelling skills.

Story City Troupe
Location: Buttonwood Tree, Middletown, CT –
Contact Sue Huggans
Email: storycitytroupe@gmail.com
Description: personal stories for adults and includes an open mic – audience members are chosen out of a hat – First Friday of the month at 8 p.m.
The Mouth Off
Location: Mark Twain House, Hartford, CT
Contact: Chion Wolf
Email: MouthOffHartford@gmail.com
Description: personal stories for adults and includes an open mic – audience members are chosen out of a hat – Second Friday of the month – 7:30 p.m.

Recurrent Events

College Slams
Location: Storrs and throughout CT
Contact: Carolyn Stearns
Email: mothermoo2001@yahoo.com
Description: Massmouth-inspired open mic story slams on college campuses throughout Connecticut. Culminates in competitive “Slam Off.”

Location: On Zoom from Bridgeport, CT
Contact: Nina Lesiga
Description: Meets the first Thursday of the month from 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM EST. Participants may share any genre story for up to 8 minutes and receive 7 minutes of feedback. All experience levels. Listeners welcome.  Sponsored by the Bridgeport Art Trail in Bridgeport, CT



See also the recurrent events listed under the following organizations:  Story Sharing at the Institute Library, The Tellers, and New London Storytellers.