Earth Day Ideas for Librarians
Beyond the Book Display
Here are a few ideas …
Earth Bookmarks with facts and actions
$25 Gift Card Earth Month Giveaway – Create a display describing earth friendly actions that patrons can take, such as:
- Reading a book or watching a movie on the environment (see attached bibliography for ideas)
- changing to all LED lightbulbs
- Getting solar installed on their home
- Starting a community garden
- Contact your representative about an environmental issue
- Planting a tree (See Actions of Significance sheet for other possibilities)
For each action taken, the patron could then put their name in the raffle with a winner to be selected at the end of April.
Make Environmentally Friendly Changes in Your Own Library – publicize these changes
Example: Switch all bulbs to LEDs explaining that this uses less energy and saves money. Did you know that the National Park switched to LEDs to light the Statue of Liberty? Just this one change is saving $500,000 a year on their electricity.
Suggest changes for library system
Example: let patrons opt out of date due slips instead of printing them automatically
Host Ecofriendly Events
- Host a seed exchange at your library and put out gardening books and info about local groups such as CT NOFA
- Environmental speakers series
- Movie or book discussion series on environmental issues
- Earth Day fair inviting local environmental orgs, scout troops etc, to come with info about their organization and also host an activity
- Create an educational program for homeschool families on the environment
- Earth Day art display – art projects made from recycled items
These documents were created by Deborah Roe. They may be used and modified as needed.
Earth Day Bibliography – Click to Download
Earth Day Bookmarks – Click to Download
Environmental Action Checklist – Click to Download
My Environmental Goals – Template – Click to Download