Asheville, NC
David Joe has been a professional storyteller since 1990 when he began his career with NAPPS (National Association of the Preservation and Perpetuation of Storytelling) in Jonesborough, TN. He later became their, official yet unofficial, staff-storyteller and told stories at the organizations private and public events. He created the Jonesborough Storytellers Guild in 1994. The JSG is the longest running performance storytellers guild in the nation and continues to perform every Tuesday evening at 7pm at the International Storytelling Center on Main Street in Jonesborough.
David Joe has performed for such audiences as Disney, World Bank, Citi-Bank, Pfizer, Smithsonian and Library of Congress as well as former Vice President Al Gore and family. He's presented shows and narrative writing workshops in hundreds of schools and libraries across the nation. In 1997 he developed a narrative story map which is still used in many North Carolina schools today.
In 2006 David Joe began working in the corporate arena of Philadelphia and New York City where he taught leading sales executives how to harness the power of narrative. He became a narrative presentation consultant working with several fortune 500 corporations and many non-profit organizations.
Today David Joe resides in the mountains of Asheville, NC. just an hours drive from Jonesborough. He produces spoken word shows and open mic gatherings and of course, he still tells a few stories every now and then.
Travel: CT, MA, ME, NH, NY, RI, VT, Out of Region
Audience: Elementary, Families, Adults
Genre: Folktales, Personal Stories, Humorous Tales
"You were FABULOUS!" (Laura Simms, after DJM told at the Hans Christian Andersen statue in Central Park)
"A dynamic storyteller who can take you around the world with his stories." (Jimmy Neil Smith, founder of the International Storytelling Center and the National Storytelling Festival)