Clare Vadeboncoeur
Clare Vadeboncoeur is a story performer who delights her audiences with her wonderful and whimsical characters that reveal their stories through a mesmerizing mixture of movement and words. She is a Trinity Repertory Conservatory graduate with a Masters of Arts Degree in Theatre and Dance from Rhode Island College, a C.M.A (certified movement analyst) from the Laban Institute of Movement Studies in New York and is a RI certified teacher of theatre, dance and elementary education.
She combines her talents as actor, dancer, mime & writer to create, teach and perform unique, interactive storytelling programs for the young and the young at heart.
Clare's last name, Vadeboncoeur, directly translated from French, means "Go with a good heart" which she tries to live by and has incorporated into her company's name "Good Heart Productions."
Travel: CT, MA, ME, NH, NY, RI, VT, Out of Region
Audience: Pre-K, Elementary, Families, Adults
Genre: Folktales, Personal Stories, Humorous Tales
“Your stories were so compelling and funny and meaningful and clever and full of Heart.”
Annie Geissinger Editor/ Moving Journal
“All of us felt blessed by your stories and by your positive energy…”
Johnette Rodriguez The Phoenix
“In addition to preparing challenging and engaging lessons, she employed sound teaching methods allowing for effective and creative student expression.”
Anne M. Colannino, Principal Alternate Learning Project