Central NH Storytelling Guild

Event Website: nhstorytelling.org
Event Phone:
Event Contact Email: RuthNiven@hotmail.com
Event Description: The purpose of the Central NH Storytelling Guild is to "promote the art of storytelling" and to provide a safe environment to tell stories. The gathering time allows tellers a chance to share their stories. The time is for listeners to enjoy them. Anyone and everyone is invited to attend these meetings. All are always encouraged to bring a guest or guests.

The location is an assisted living facility which usually means a few listeners.

Directions: Take Route 93 exit 15W. At the end of the ramp, turn right. At the blinking traffic lights, turn right again. At the stop sign, turn right and almost immediately turn right into the Horseshoe Pond Place. Drive around to the back of the building where you'll find the door to the Senior Center Community Room. Walk toward the front of the building to find the Library, where we meet.

2025-11-29 13:00 2025-11-29 15:00 America/New_York Central NH Storytelling Guild

Event Website: nhstorytelling.org Event Phone: Event Contact Email: RuthNiven@hotmail.com Event Description: The purpose of the Central NH Storytelling Guild is to “promote the art of storytelling” and to provide a safe environment to tell stories. The gathering time allows tellers a chance to share their stories. The time is for listeners to enjoy them. Anyone […]

Horseshoe Pond Place Senior Center nestorytelling@gmail.com